Probable loss, conflicting information. Going Crazy!

This is a long story and I hope it makes sense but I need advice or experiences please. I am so confused and just have no idea how I’m supposed to handle this situation.

I am currently pregnant and probably miscarrying. it was very unplanned. I have crazy irregular cycles so I couldn’t even be sure how far along exactly. Last period was February 22, didn’t test positive until 4/10. So I known for 5wks. I went to see my RE because I had issues during my last pregnancy with sac growth and progesterone and hematomas (all ended well) and wanted blood work and an early scan to make sure everything was okay. As always progesterone was low, and hcg started on the low side (542 on 4/16) started progesterone, told to follow up in a few days. HCG went up appropriately, progesterone was good. I had several ultrasounds. 4/25 showed a gestational sac and a hematoma. 5/2 showed a gestational sac and a yolk sac, 5/9 still only gestational sac and yolk sac no fetal pole. At this point they are concerned it may not be viable. They let me go another week and Monday 5/16 still no fetal pole. Numbers have all be going up hcg is around 23k. I have all the symptoms but Since I had a yolk sac for over two weeks and no fetal pole they confirmed non viable and I scheduled a D&C with my OB Monday 5/20.

I asked if they do an US before the procedure she said not usually but scheduled one with maternal fetal medicine for me this morning for my own peace of mind… Well all of sudden there’s a fetal pole measuring 6wks. No heartbeat, The MFM Dr there said it may be okay, may still end up being non viable but they wanted to talk to the RE office and double check all of their stuff. She just called me back and said that since they saw the yolk sac for two weeks and no fetal pole at the other office that they are calling it non viable and to keep my scheduled D&C.

When I asked how the fetal pole would just show up now she said “I don’t know, it’s small at this stage and they may have just missed it.” I couldn’t even think of what to say and let her hang up with out pressing further. I don’t want to let what I wish were true prolong an already horrible rollercoaster experience but how can I go through with this procedure if there’s even a chance? I originally opted for the D&C because with my previous miscarriage I tried to let it just happen on its own and after 2 weeks of bleeding and pain finally passed the sac and fetus just to ended up in the ER getting the cytotec anyway for retained placenta. I don’t want to go through all of that again.

I just don’t know what I’m supposed to think or do. I know that just because there’s a fetal pole doesn’t magically make it viable, and She said with my HCG as high as it is and no heartbeat visible yet it’s very unlikely that this is viable, but they also said 5 days ago that if there wasn’t a fetal pole by now there wouldn’t be one. I sent a message to my own OB and asked if there was any reason I shouldn’t/couldn’t wait another week and do the second scan but I’m still waiting to hear.

If there’s even a slight chance I can’t go through with this procedure. If anyone has advice or similar experience please please share.