Baby was in nicu latched but never consistently.. we tried nipple shield… left breast worked right was difficult. Also had tortocollis so maybe that’s why trouble on right breast..

Baby is now 3 months old… was exclusively pumping for about 8 weeks then dr said he needs to be drinking more than just 120 which was my average pump (longer stretches I would pump around 190 then store and just followed what the internet said his age needed) pediatrician said that wasn’t enough and he was only in 50th percentile for weight and 98th height. So now he has been on formula and still pumping every 3-4 hours (sometimes can stretch to 5hrs). He roughly has anywhere from 110-175 of my breast milk and then the rest formula (she wants him having up to 8 ounces but we have only went up to 7 total with him) he got plump! We have been working with his head and tortocollis and he is day and night from when he was first born! I truly just miss the feeling of that little bit of time he was on my chest (which was here and there with nipple shield then took off mid way and only truly on left)… do you believe that babies and children have a stronger bond with you if on your breast? I get so sad when I think of that. Also should I try now that his tortocollis is much better to get him on my chest again?? I’m a bit nervous to but idk? Thanks for advice!