What did you do?


My son is not far from 2years old and still breastfed on demand.

I never imagined I would feed him for this long but have enjoyed it most of the time however I really need my body back and for him to stop using me as comfort, sleeping aid and to hydrate.

A month ago I thought we were finally coming to an end when he never asked for boob during the day at all for over 2weeks and night time he would feed to sleep and only wake once or twice for a little 2min feed/comfort. Then he got sick and began demanding boob throughout the day and often throughout the night again.

The only rule I have is I won’t feed outside of the home. So when he asks for boob when we out I tell him to wait etc most times he screams and tries pulling my top down!!! Sometimes he accepts that and doesn’t ask again

Please help. I e read about dropping a feed at a time but how when there isn’t set times etc

What did you do? How? Advice? Please