Birth story!!!

I’m 3 months postpartum and I haven’t really wanted to share my birth story to anyone but I want to go ahead and get it out there because I am so proud of myself

My due date was March 31st and I was scheduled to get induced on March 27th. We get everything packed and loaded and get there at 4:30 and was checked in and in a room by 5. They immediately start me on Pitocin and was to go up every hour. My limit was 20 for the beginning. So I was already 3cm dilated and was having no pain. By 11 they stopped the dose so I can sleep and asked if I was in any pain, cramping and I tell them I’m good. I had to keep getting my monitors repositioned as I’m a side sleeper and she was sitting really low already so I had no sleep. So by 7 they begin raising the dose back up and I start cramping but nothing major. Lunch went on and I’m starving. Doctor comes in and checked me and I’m at a 3 still so by 3pm he breaks my water and raises the Pitocin up by 5 every 30 minutes and my limit was now 30 which is pretty high. Once my water breaks it goes into full action. I start cramping and having contractions 2-3 minutes apart and begin bouncing on the birth ball and trying to distract myself. By 5 I’m 7 cm dilated and hurting so bad because of the Pitocin and I’m contemplating on getting an epidural or not. I originally was going all natural as best I could. They respected it. I asked for some fentanyl to get by and all it did was cause a high didn’t relieve any pain. So by 8 cm I call my nurse and ask her to tell me how epidurals are and the process. She tells me and I go ahead and agree because I can’t take it. It’s so much pain. She gets fluids in me and calls the anesthesiologist and I get injected. I didn’t feel anything because I was focused on the contractions. Once done I feel instant relief and was able to get some sleep because I was going on 36 hrs of no sleep because of not sleeping the night before and all. I was then getting worried because my heart was showing some distress and my blood pressure was spiking and lowering dramatically. They kept a close eye on me and monitored my blood pressure every 10 minutes to 5 minutes. By 11:00 I was 100% complete and was ready to do a practice push. My nurse then said my baby’s head was right at the entrance of my canal and I was ready to get this baby out. Doctor rushed in and by 9 pushes she was here at 11:44 March 28th! My nurse told me i was close to coding and going into sudden cardiac arrest because of my heart beating too fast and my blood pressure was a constant 170/90 and higher at one point. I hemorrhaged pretty bad and was being treated for another 30 minutes to get the bleeding under control and get my stitches. I only tore an inch or two. Once everything was cleaned up I began throwing up and became lightheaded. I was on an iron rich meal plan while I recovered but I was the talk of the floor! They said I was the only one that night that went so far without an epidural and my daughter was the only girl born lol. I was extremely proud of myself despite my complications and also realized I probably had undiagnosed preeclampsia due to my blood pressure and swelling I had prior but my urine was never checked at my last appointments and I was so excited to get her here I never actually realized all my symptoms were symptoms of Pre-E. I had also heard a male voice say “stay awake” and asked both my doctor and my fiancé if they said anything and both said no. So I believe my dear papa was speaking to me 🤍🤍 but once everything was calmed and settled I was told that if I had went natural the whole way I probably could have coded and possibly died because the epidural in the end was keeping my blood pressure from rising to even more dangerous levels. I’m thankful I was blessed to see my baby girl and to live another day 💕 pregnancy and labor ain’t no joke but I’d risk my life over again to hear my baby cry 💕💕😮‍💨 I’m proud of how far I went and even tho I hated getting the epidural my labor and delivery team went far and beyond to remind me how strong I am and that it was all for baby girl!

Sorry if it’s a jumbled mess but I love telling the story

Here’s my little baby girl, Madelynn my rainbow 🤍🤍