Had my 2nd baby at 37w5d


Born yesterday at 37w5d. Kept having the awfullest upper stomach cramps and thought I was maybe having bad constipation (even though i had been using the bathroom and it still hurt). It only hurt when I moved a certain way and it was sharp pain. I went from 7 am to 2 pm and decided to go get looked at so I could get medicine or Atleast

something for the pain because it was soooo bad. Got to L&D get all hooked up so they can keep an eye on me incase and then my what I thought was trapped gas or just bathroom pain was actually contractions::)))). I dilated from a 1 (from my appointment Monday) to a 2 there, then shortly after a 3. Long story short, I got admitted, they broke my water around 5 am, got my epidural, then got checked around 7:30am

and was still at a 5. Then I was laying with the peanut ball around 7:50am and kept getting BAD pressure in my butt to the point I was full on sobbing and couldn’t function, from 7:30am to 7:50am I went from a 5 to a 10 and she was coming out one way or another🥴😭😭. Started pushing at 8:04am and 4 pushes later & 4 minutes later at 8:09am I had Paisley Hope my 2nd baby and first girl💗💗💗💗 6 pounds 0.6 oz.