Dark room for naps


How dark is your room for baby’s naps? We have these black out curtains. He naps up to 45 mins on his own but I read that if you can see your hand in front of your face, the room isn’t dark enough 🤷🏾‍♀️

Just curious what others do

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My master closet is quite large and has no windows so I've been moving his bassinet in there for naps 🤣


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No. We tried but my babies love to fight sleep so I wasn't able to do that. But with my older one we did really gentle sleep training and he would put himself to sleep at 6 months. Planning on doing the same method with my daughter. Amazon has a bunch that come in different sizes depending on your window. So it doesn't have to be this specific one but just search 'Portable Black Out Curtain' and they will all come up.


Je • Jun 30, 2022
Sorry.. for some reason it didn't post the link. This website makes it so difficult to post links 😒. I got the Tommee Tippy One but they are all pretty similar in price.


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I wanted to make sure that he would nap wherever, so I would have the bassinet in the lounge with me with curtains open and TV on in the background, but at night it would be quiet and dark. This also helped him differentiate between night and day so his evening sleeps would always be longer


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My son's room gets a lot of natural light, particularly in the evening now it summer! 🙄 I have the Gro Company black out blind up, then black out curtains. Both together work perfectly and his room is actually dark ! 🌑😊


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My twins fall asleep wherever they find themselves in the moment. For night sleep I put them in dark room with white noise.


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We have blackout curtains, but it’s not super dark. More like lightly lit. We have that and music for nap time. He usually sleeps for 1-2 hours.


Ki • Jul 3, 2022
I wouldn’t say rock, but I do hold him until he’s sleepy/falls asleep. Usually about 5 minutes max, then place him in his bassinet.


Jerrica • Jul 3, 2022
Wow does your baby fall asleep independently? Or do you rock to sleep?


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We have the same curtains and I hated them!


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Omg we have the same curtains and they made me soooo mad!


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He naps wherever whenever and it’s not usually that dark.


em • Jun 30, 2022
Anywhere from 20 mins to three hours lol


Jerrica • Jun 30, 2022
How long are his naps typically?


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Naps are in a darker room with black out curtains but its not dark bc I cant control that and she will still nap in the living room on me in the bright light. For night time she only wants to sleep in the dark with white noise. Its much darker then. We got total black out curtains from kohls and then shut the blinds behind it. My 2 year old sleeps the same.