


Please tell me I’m not the only one dealing with a full blown threenager over here. Wow it’s hard. The defiance, tantrums, refusal to listen…I can hardly handle it. This is not my favorite stage one bit. Where did my sweet boy go? Anyone else blindsided by their kiddo’s sudden change in behavior?

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Mines more tears and crying than full tantrums but it’s so hard I just want to give in to what he wants all the time and standing my ground is getting really tough but I know those boundaries are so important. This age has so many big feelings and they just push my buttons and I have to remind myself to count to ten and if o can’t regulate my feelings than how can I expect him too? So so hard though


Posted at
This just made me feel a little better 😅. We are in full defiance mode over here she might as well have earplugs in it’s a lot. I’m pretty patient but my husband is not so it’s basically them battling constantly and I’m refereeing. Haha


Jamie • Jul 14, 2022
Yesss. I don’t know how many times I’m doing that with my husband and son too. “Ok you’re the adult you can’t be yelling and arguing with the 3 year old” 😂


Posted at
Yep, Jaxson went through a phase a month ago where he was soo defiant and stomping his feet, screaming, hitting, telling me no and saying "I do it!" He gets mad because he wants to drive my car and he can't 🥴 They have some big big feelings at this age and I just have to stop and take deep breaths sometimes so I don't lose my shit 😅 Thats why I love having this group to know I'm not alone.


Posted at
Jerome was ok until i came from the hospital with a baby. He has a cold war going on but not really showing it. He will ignore both baby and i But will sometimes just burst and become impossible. So unpredictable now i fear to leave baby with him. Baby is 2 weeks but so hard to explain what is happening in my house hold. For the most part they fight with the dad and he listens to me so now daddy tells me to talk to him. Would rather like my time with him to be cuddles not counselling but... hoping it gets better as time passes


Posted at
Yes seeing that more and more. My son is all about independence which is great and frustrating at the same time. A lot more of not listening and telling us “no I’m not doing that” lol. He recently went to the preschool room at daycare also and has been getting a few behavior reports each week which has been fun to navigate…


Jamie • Jul 14, 2022
I know I really let them get to me too. Like I feel like a failure of a parent or something which I know is ridiculous but ugh.


Kayla • Jul 13, 2022
The reports are so embarrassing for me! Mine gets them sometimes too, and today got sent home for not listening.


Posted at
I haven’t come onto this app in so long but came to see if anyone else was dealing with an impossible threenager. I just had my second daughter ten days ago and Cameryn is making my newborn feel so easy! The defiance is off the charts. I miss my sweet girl!


Posted at
Ugh! Tell me about it! My oldest was a dream to parent compared to Ellie. No offense to her lol and of course I love her with all my heart but it's true. She's impossible at times. My oldest hardly ever threw tantrums. She was also extremely advanced in her talking/communication skills, and was talking and using full sentences very early on whereas Ellie still struggles with pronunciation despite her wide range vocabulary, so I'm sure that's why she yells so much- she can't tell me exactly what she needs/wants or how she's feeling. I do my best and get down on her level to console and talk to her but even then she still fights and screams in my face most times. I just let her get it all out while being there for her and she eventually calms down and wants mama's love. You're not alone. I feel your pain 😣


Posted at
Yup, same here. Tantrums upon tantrums 😩