D&C for 5 Week Miscarriage?!


Hi ladies,

I’m hoping to hear some of your experiences.

2 weeks ago I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks 4 days. I passed large clots and bled for 6 days and stopped. However, I started bleeding again a week after my miscarriage after stopping.

I went to the doctor to have my levels checked and my HCG BARELY went down after 2 weeks which isn’t normal, so I was referred for an ultrasound for possible retained tissue.

My results showed a .5 cm sac left in my uterus.

How is this even possible!? I was only 5 weeks and passed large clots.

My doctor wants to schedule a D&C but since I started bleeding again, isn’t that a sign my body is taking care of it on its own?

I don’t want a surgery for a .5 cm sac! I can’t believe I have anything left. Makes no sense!

I’m on vacation with my family so I might have to come home to take care of all this, and I feel bad for my son who doesn’t understand

Thank you❤️