Is this normal behavior?


Sorry for the long post but idk if i’m acting appropriately or if I need help. So I gave birth earlier than expected (6 weeks) and I have just been losing it. I have washed my hands so much more often to the point my hands are cracked. I usually just do it when I’m going to do something with the baby or bottle/ pump parts. For example I’ll wash hands to get the baby, change baby’s diaper, then wash hands. When I wash my pump parts, I just wash my hands before and also if I’m going to move any parts of the drying rack I wash my hands as well before touching them. When I make a bottle I wash my hands, then get the bottle pieces then the milk from the fridge. With the hand that didn’t touch the door, I open the bag and pour the milk and before I put the nipple back on I wash my hands again. I feel it’s not that bad but sometimes I just get in my head and it’s hard. For example, the other day I disinfected the sink handles but then I got paranoid that the bleach was still on my hands (I had washed them) and would transfer to the pump parts so I washed the pump parts about three times then sanitized in boiling water but then I got paranoid they’d have chemicals on it. Another example is that i read that not using proper care while pumping can cause contamination which has freaked me out. I’m not pumping as often because my parts don’t dry that fast and just even little dots of water freak me out because I don’t want to do something wrong and have my baby get an infection or something. My boyfriend says I should just wash my hands and the pump parts like a normal person but I just can’t stop thinking about germs. Is this normal to do when having a premature baby? Or am I overthinking and doing too much?

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