Mother in law issues


2 years ago I lost my baby he was born at 6 months I was in the hospital for a week until I gave birth, my MIL would always make comments that she wanted a girl not a boy when he passed away a few days later she would make comments saying I would go to the gym to push the baby out cause that I didnt want him.. I was 5 months pregnant when I found out I was pregnant because I was on birth control I didnt know I was pregnant we had explained this to her the first time she made that comment but then she kept making it mind you I was so down and depressed I was so lost and she would still make comments, once I got a little better I found an opportunity and I moved out at the time my bf didnt come with me because his mom lost her job and they had alot going on now hes living with me and we just had a baby he was born healthy but the thing is that I dont really allow her to see him I dont let her to be holding him because again she made comments she once said “I get goosebumps when I see your stomach lets see if maybe he die once hes born” I just looked at her and I stayed quiet because I knew once my baby was born I wasn’t gonna be bringing him around her and she would always be saying I didnt want a boy I wanted a girl like if the baby is hers, she thought that once the baby was born I was gonna move back in to her living room where her ex husband sleeps and that she was gonna baby sit my baby so she can quit her job and we can pay her rent. she would also be telling me she didnt like the name we chose to change it to whatever name she liked, for 8 years shes been talking about me to all her family but they all know how she is so they just ignore her. When I first met her she told me “i wanted my son to have a white skin tone gf not dark but if he likes you then whatever” Another time she said “I wanted the girl from across the street to be his gf” My bf has always told her things and she would be like “why is she getting mad im just making conversation” and now she talks bad saying I took her son from her she even trys to talk bad about my parenting saying to not wipe him with toilet paper and give him juice that because she knows how I am like are you retarded!! Am i wrong for not letting her see the baby so much and when she does for not letting her hold him? I mean I feel like she shouldnt be able to see him at all I probably go over to his moms house like 2 every two weeks and only for 30 minutes max