

Hey mama's! Kinda long!

So I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and 5 days! Ok so at 6 weeks I started bleeding and passing clots ..nothing white or gray! I called the doctor and she was like ...are you soaking a big pad every 1 or 2..I'm like no..not at all! And the doctor was like, make a appointment and make sure things are i went the next day 11th ..they did blood work everything came back fine , and that was really all she did and pee...said congratulations..It mostly when I pee then I see blood and pain slight cramps nothing like period cramps! I started on the 10th...and was like that for like 3 days but no pain at all..and on the 13th it got very light and has become very light brown spot , I say a spot because that's wat it has been like all I have the very thin pads on and it's really nothing...! So yesterday I started to feel like I was getting stick really just stuffy nose, then it started to I'm like this has happened before so it must be a sinus infection (Google) I called the nurse line to tell her and she asked, me all the normal am I still spotting I told her a spot, that's it...I did have a slight headache on one side of my head, but it didn't hurt enough to take medication. .and I took a nap woke up and it was gone! Feel fine (like I can run) that's how fine I feel...! Now...I had a scarborough hematoma with my fist pregnancy and it like bust, when I was on my way to the doctor BLOOD WAS everywhere, like something got killed! Rushed to the hospital baby boy was fine...pregnancy went ok...but unfortunately at 32 weeks I had to have a emergency c-section, due to the right side of his heart not growing...because a Teratoma Tumor ..had formed in the right side of his heart. ..he was so perfect in every way..just his Lil heart, he passed away a month after he was born! I had my rainbow baby the next yr. ..No problems baby boy was born healthy and he's 3 now...! I did spot with him but I'm not sure how much..! But I remember it was a lot with my first because of wat happened! And I'm still 3 yr old!!! Only and nap and bed time! I get nausea from time to time , craving (sweets omgggg) using the bathroom a lot (pee) ! Like has anyone experienced bleeding, clots no pian like the normal Lil pregnancy feelings? And had a good pregnancy!