Plan b and ovulation

Hi. My husband and I had a slip up Saturday night around Midnight. I was activity ovulating as I do track my cycle and got my first peak opk Saturday mid day. Along with watery cm, cramping and nausea I knew I was ovulating or getting ready to on Saturday before the incident. And then Sunday I had an even higher lh surge. Well, we toyed around with the idea of plan b, we are getting ready to move and our lives are about to become pretty difficult to bring in a baby. We do have other kids and have talked about having another later, just not yet. So after a couple of days we decided Monday night I would take it Tuesday morning. I almost didn’t because I keep seeing online that plan b only works before ovulation. And I know I had already ovulated by the Tuesday. I ended up taking it anyways around 2pm Tuesday. Of course I keep researching trying to see what my outcome will be.. and I’ve read so many conflicting ideas, studies, medical professionals and FDA bits all over the internet. I just want to know the truth.. does the plan b only work before ovulation.. or can it stop the already fertilized egg from implanting? What do you suppose my chances are considering the timing of it all?

To be honest.. I am scared of the latter- I had no intention of killing an already fertilized egg.. before taking the pill I only read it only works before ovulation.. so I took it just to ease my husbands nerves all the while telling him it was pointless. Now I feel guilty and extremely confused.

Oh and I have nothing against any woman’s choice over her body and choices. I just personally wouldn’t want to stop the progression of how a fertilized egg could potentially evolve in my own body.