7 month old not hitting milestones

Ally • • Wren & Aveda 🖤 26 • Single mom • Oregon •

I’m waiting for the specialists to call me to set up a referral for testing for my 7 month old, she hasn’t really hit any of her milestones. Doesn’t roll, doesn’t lift her head up during tummy time, doesn’t play with toys… she basically doesn’t do anything but lay there and smile. If you stand her up she can’t bare weight at all.

She also apparently needs surgery for her eyes according to the ophthalmologist since they’re crossed over all the time so her vision isn’t good. I have a strong feeling she might have cerebral palsy. But these damn doctors are taking forever to get back to me and I can’t get it off my mind. I just want to know how to help my baby girl hit her milestones. :/

Has anyone dealt with this with their little ones? What was the outcome?