3 year old problems


My 3 year old son has recently (last month or two) been acting out at daycare and reacting physically to teachers (mainly) and sometimes students when upset or I assume not getting the attention he is looking for. We notice these behaviors at home also not as much physical but for instance we told him not to do X and he didn’t listen so we put him in 3 min timeout which led to him to bite daddy on his way to his room and act out a lot while in time out with daddy. Until I said ok we are ignoring you until you decide to to behave better it wasn’t really changing. Anyway, I think this is basically the same behavior that got him sent home from daycare yesterday as well. I’m kind of at a loss but do have him scheduled for an OT evaluation in 1.5 weeks which hopefully can help with some of these issues. If anyone has advice until then please let me know. He’s very close to being kicked out of daycare for this behavior. Please note we just had his baby brother this week also so I know that’s a big adjustment for him also, but the physical reactions can not keep happening at daycare.