Hearing too much & too little simultaneously

C 🖤

I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD and am still discovering certain symptoms that I didn’t even realise weren’t “normal” things to experience..

I know there are associated auditory issues, but I’m a little confused because my hearing is both awful & really sensitive at the same time.. is this a thing, or should I continue looking into why my hearing is so bad?

I have tinnitus (which is likely, unfortunately, self inflicted from years of playing music without ear protection.. ) but I also find that I struggle to hear/process what people are saying to me unless I’m facing them, and I cannot watch anything without subtitles. I also have some sort of auditory hallucinations I guess, where, whenever there’s background noise- for example, in the shower, or if the tv is on in another room- I always think I can hear someone talking, or my son calling for me, etc. However, I also have a real sensitivity to low volume noises and/or certain frequencies/tones- for example, i can often hear the electricity current inside of nearby plug sockets, or I could by watching a movie and will hear the tap dripping upstairs over everything else. Similarly, there’s certain songs I love but can’t listen to because there’s one particular note in the guitar solo that hurts my ears like crazy, etc.

Just me, or is this an ADHD thing?
