Would it be weird

To make a "first year alone" Christmas ornament?

My thing has been Christmas ornaments every year I get a new one (usually when we travel to a new place) that is my souvenir usually a Christmas ornament. I'm not even the biggest Christmas fan I just love decorating the tree and seeing a life of milestones on it.

Well I found out my husband is a liar and I've left. Ive not officially done the paperwork for divorce because I need to save up for it (I don't have a job right now and family is helping me)

But this will be my first Christmas alone. We were high school sweethearts and I thought he was my forever. I couldn't even take any of the sentimental ornaments because I just felt disgusted looking at them since I probably would have left him earlier if his lies had been revealed (I kept my family ornaments though).

Is this stupid? I just feel like it's too big of a landmark to not do my usual thing. I probably can't do "first year divorced" because I won't be divorced by Christmas.

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