completely exhausted

My kid hasn't been sleeping for 3 nights.

and by day he's been an actual peach. He's kind, polite, happy, energetic.

By night he's screaming his lungs out.

He's 2,5yo (27 months) and NEVER had any sleep issues.

We've been keeping to his night-time schedule, which lasts 8pm to 10:30am which is well over his required 14h. He doesn't nap and isn't interested in naps. The last few days he's been going to bed pretty well, as usual, he doesn't fight or dread bedtime. But about an hour or 2 after bedtime he's waking up and screaming.

Right now my stepkids are here and since he's sharing his bedroom, we can't have him screaming like that. My partner has sleeping issues so he's keeping his hands off this issue. Which then makes it all fall on myself the entire night.

which means that I slept less than 2 hours per day and keeping this family rolling. Cycled my stepson to horseriding, baked cookies for work etc.. Tomorrow I'm supposed to be working a full night and I don't know how I will be able to do this. I mean sure I get how lucky we've been for him to be a great sleeper like this so far.. but I'm sorry I don't know how I can do this?


No he's too emotional to say anything.


I was assuming a growth spurt.. we're looking at it. last night he slept pretty good.