Breasts less sore and worrying


Hey all, I had been having like SUPER sore breasts/nipples probably for over a week but then yesterday and today they’re feeling not as bad at all. Some slight nipple tenderness but that’s probably it. Am 5+6 today according to the app and obviously panicking about anything and everything 😩

Has this happened to anyone else/does is sound ok?

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Posted at
Symptoms come and go and sometimes you won’t have any at all I know with my first two and this one I haven’t really experienced any symptoms at all I’m going on 11 weeks


Posted at
Symptoms come and go. Can’t nobody tell you or reassure you because everyone is different. Sometimes the questions have been answered in the thread before just read through and not keep asking same questions. Not trying to be rude but there’s like 50 questions asking is no symptoms or less symptoms mean anything do you need to worry. Your stressing yourself which is more a problem than no symptoms. No symptoms don’t causes miscarriages but stress do.