Bipolar ??

So my 3 year old has been a hand ful to say the least since birth. He never slept even as a baby. It was a lot of sleepless nights. Started noticing super independent by 6 months and it only got worse by age which I think is normal in kids. Some are just like that, but it was extreme!! He wouldn’t let anyone do ANYTHING. Like an example push the cart at Walmart, he would throw massive fits if we helped at all

Push it, I mean to the point of kicking and screaming as loud as he could. He just HAS to do everything his way or he’s a nightmare. The hitting, kicking, spitting has been an issue for the last year and it’s still not stopping. We try everything to work with him as best as he can understand.

Our family does not condone physical punishments, no spankings or anything. I just don’t believe in that personally ( I know others do nothing against that ) he has severe anger issues, one second he’s fine the next he’s raging.

When he gets hurt in any way he won’t let anyone comfort him and if you try to he will hit kick and scream at you. Then other times he’ll let you comfort him. It’s never the same reaction. You never know what side of him your getting. Ever!

He’s been at this daycare for the last year and a half and he’s one of the kids I know ppl don’t wanna be around or deal with. They have tried to be patient with him since he is still a toddler but for along time he refused naps, kept everyone awake, he hit kicked people. They started doing the point system they have in place finally bc it’s getting real bad. Basically first strike is warning, 2nd strike is suspension for a day, 3rd is for 3 days, 4th is for 5 days and fhs 5th strike is kicked out.

Like I said they have been real patient by not doing this sooner with him, but as of now he’s on his second strike. I fear everyday he’s gonna get the third one. I’m always ok edge. Just last week he kicked a pregnant teacher ( thankfully not in the belly ) but he could have and she’s almost about to give birth that could have been real bad. I sat and talked to a teacher today and she keeps saying his mood swings change with the snap of a finger. The director of the daycare came and also explained those concerns about how quick he is to change moods. One second he’s nice listening and within a few seconds he’s aggressive and hurting people and screaming no.

I see this daily at home also. I am scared taking him even to the store bc of this issue we can’t do much or he ruins everything everywhere we go. I feel like crying im at a loss!!!!!

I was able to contact his doctor and have an appt end of the month but im so afraid there’s nothing we can do cause of his age…. I don’t know if could be bipolar, or just really bad behaviors. Anyone have any opinions? Or have or heard this happen to children you know?!

Thank you!!! From a very desperate mama. 😭

Edit: I don’t think he has bipolar bc of hitting and kicking lol. I just mean his moods are all over the place all the time. One minute he’s perfect happy following rules a minute later he’s in full rage. Also his father does have bipolar I forgot to add that in so I think it could be genetic. Idk I’m loss I’ve never experienced this so wihh th his teachers thinking it and I’m thinking it I just feel like there’s a chance it is. I know he’s too young to know any of this. I also asked if it could be behaviors or something I just have no idea