How to get toddler to sleep in own bed



Ok so this is what our nights look like:

I put him to bed at 7. He fights sleep for like an hour (I have to stay in room with him whole time or he won’t go to sleep) around 8 he falls asleep.

Then around 10 or 11, he comes to our bed. I put him back in his own and he falls asleep.

Then around 1 am he is back again and honestly we just give up at this point cause we’re half asleep so we just let him sleep with us. So I know it’s partially our own fault.

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put him back in the crib or put a gate up at his door.


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You already know the answer Hun.As tired as you are, you are allowing him to do it night after night - so he will continue to do it.You need to put him back in his own bed whenever he gets into your bed.Maybe as an aside, make sure he has a night light, and I found the night day clocks really useful for my daughter for her to understand when she should still be in bed. My little guy is 2.5 years old and is just starting to understand rewards for doing good things, maybe you could do the same with your little guy - set up a reward chart, start small so stays in bed 3 nights he gets a small reward and build him up for a bigger reward.