Just wanting to share this info.

Ladies so it’s been literally a month my baby started waking up multiple times at night. I took her to doctor I was told she was perfect maybe teething is bothering her at night. A week later she got a cold, horrible cough and ear infección, and the waking multiple times at night continued. I have to add while she was sick I used the humidifier and stopped using it when she got better. I have to add that it’s been 3 nights she sleeps like she did before waking up 1-2 times at night, it’s been 4 nights using the humidifier again so idk if it’s a coincidence or not but wow I’m happy.😊💕 My husband and I came to the conclusion it was about a month or so when we started using the heater so there you go I wish we could of thought of it sooner. We also assume when she was sick humidifier wasn’t helping her sleep through the night because her cough was waking her at night. She’s 11 months by the way😊 Just wanted to through it out there in case another exhausted mother has been having sleepless nights and have no idea what’s going on with their LO.