Riddle me this

So I get home today and there’s a paternity court ordered test in my mail. I ask my so what’s this? He goes he doesn’t know etc etc. I keep pushing him for answers and he’s really acting as though he’s clueless! He finally admits to a time in the past where we were broken up due to some other sneaky s* he was doing when I was pregnant with my oldest baby. He says that he apparently was messing around with some woman and let him tell it the condom broke (which makes me think he knew right?) Anywho he swears up and down that’s the only situation that could even be a possibility as to why a fucking court ordered paternity test would be in our gotdamn mail. My question is how does all that stuff work I looked at the paper and the appointment isn’t until the 28th of December! The mail was also forwarded from our last address so apparently they’ve been trying to catch this mf. Could he have lied about the situation and set this shit up himself or is this solely the states’ doing. I find it odd how he claims he didn’t even know the pursing partie’s last name but she has his info down to the T because I looked online and it said you need to know all of that information before you file. I also read that a lady had provided the wrong man’s information and that when she tried to dismiss the case they basically let her know that she wouldn’t be able to cancel it. If anyone has been through a similar situation please comment below to talk about or share your thoughts. I’ve been up all night long pissed because I can’t believe this has happened to me.