
Liyah • 💛Mama of three💛

I have an induction scheduled for tomorrow night and I have started to get really nervous about it. This is my third baby and my first two came on their own but they were both preterm.

This is the farthest I’ve ever made it in a pregnancy and when I was first asked about being induced at 39 weeks I was very hesitant but I went ahead and scheduled it due to being in prodromal labor for weeks. I get contractions that are 3-5 minutes apart everyday but don’t do anything to help progress labor. I’m currently stuck at 3 1/2 cm, 70% effaced, and stage -3.

Baby looks great and shes not a concern it’s just my body having a hard time getting labor started it seems and I’m so miserable getting painful contractions that leave me exhausted but don’t do anything.

I’ve told a very select few people about me being induced and everyone keeps telling me their experiences and horror stories and how it took days or how they were sent home and that I need to just basically deal with it and wait for her to come on her own.

So now I’m very nervous about the induction and keep wondering if I’m making the right decision. It seems like no one has a positive induction experience. I keep asking myself should I just continue going through prodromal labor and wait or just go to my induction scheduled for tomorrow?

Anyway if you got through all that and you’ve had an induction do you mind sharing your experience? Or if you also have an induction scheduled how are you feeling about it?