Need advice

Both 28 ! So my ex and I were together for 3 years, we lived together , tried for a baby constantly and also lost a son when I was 20 weeks pregnant. Our relationship was not perfect we had our issues but that was my person . 8 months ago he left me in the most awful way after an argument we had . He sent me to get food and when I arrived back home he had the entire house packed up in a u haul and was leaving as I was pulling in the driveway .. I didn’t even try to stop him I just felt abandoned and lost as I walked back in the empty home we shared where he just left our poor dog alone . It’s been hell for me these past 8 months I can’t lie. My birthday was last week and he had called the night before randomly and was drunk . He had picked back up on being an alcoholic and we worked so hard to get him clean .well he came to see me that same night … we talked, cried, shared memories, laughed and all of that. Told me no one else is me and how much he misses me blah blah . Not once has he tried to have sex with me so I know it isn’t sex he’s looking for . Well he has been ignoring me after a decent night together and that kind of hurt me . Last night he called around 2 am twice after not responding to me for a few days. I missed the call because I was asleep and called back and texted when I woke . He is still ignoring me . Why do guys do this ? What is he even doing? Like why keep hitting me up late hours in the night after drinking all night if he isn’t going to talk to me when I respond or try to have casual conversation. Like literally he doesn’t want booty calls so help me out ladies!!! What could be his issue I’m so lost .