Please tell me if I’m being petty or overthinking


Idk where to even start. My MIL isn’t a great person. She’s narcissistic, lies and bends the truth to get what she wants or to get to what benefits her most. I learned the real her when we all decided to share an apartment together for just under two years. The plan was to help each other out but in turn, it was just her plan to skate by and slowly stop doing the things she promised. Anyway flash forward to now, my fiancé and I had a really rough few months. I sold my car to condense bills in July. That same month, my fiancé was involved in a rear end collision and our only car was totaled. Days later after the car was totaled, we had an apartment fire and was displaced from our home and struggled to find a new place, then a month later I broke my toe. All this while I’m also pregnant. Talk about stressful. During these difficult times, no one in his family offered condolences. Not his sister, his mom, his aunt, etc but yet they all lurk on my Facebook posts and talk about me to each other. The reason why I say this is because when I broke my toe I posted about it. No one in his family said anything but then his mom said “oh I heard you broke your toe” a week later. She doesn’t have a Facebook anymore but the rest of his family does. There’s been a few more instances where I’ve just felt like they talk about me due to the issues his mother and I have had living together. Idk if any of this makes sense I’m really bad at explaining but basically my intuition is telling me that his sister, his mom, his aunt who now lives with his mom all just lurk on my shit but refuse to acknowledge anything to me. Like his sister used to talk to me then she stopped, then she used to like my posts even about my son and now she doesn’t. It’s just funny to me. The toxicity.