18 month not talking. Please help 😔

My son is almost 18 month old and some family members have noticed that he is not talking or saying words. So they recommend that he need to be around people more.

My son like to move around, run and explore the place. He started to sit beside and babble as if he is telling me about something and I pretend that I understand him. Most of the time he will come to any one and will babble as if he is talking. I think this is a good sign. I try not give him or do what he want immediately, I try to make my self like I'm not sure what he want and repeat word or words to help him start communicating. For example if he wants water and his bottle is at the container I repeat to him you want water, water, this water just so he can try saying the word, most of the time he gets angry or annoyed that I don't just give him.

Some of the kids in the family are loud and my son doesn't like that so he doesn't play with them and also the kids are 3 or 4 years older then him and to them he is a baby so they don't want to play with him.

Some family members compare him with their kids and honestly I don't care. I know that each child will start to talk when they feel ready and when they want to talk. I am not rushing my child.

I also bought books for him I noticed he likes the one that he can touch like they have fabric on the picture but he will only listen to the story if he is in his bed or playpen.

I need to know if there is something I need to do that might help my child? I trying showing him youtube channels like I think her name is Miss Rachel, he was not interested and he didn't like them.

He is trying to say some words like his name, hi, his dad name, cat, car.

So I'm not sure.

Please give me advice and tell me if I'm doing something wrong. I'm currently 21 week pregnant and really trying to do everything I can for my little boy.