So frustrated and emotional


I have HG and have been having the hardest time I can't eat anything and if I do I throw it right back up, I feel so drained and weak. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow and still have such a long ways to go, I'm so grateful for my blessing, this will be my 4th and last baby, with my last pregnancy I had HG throughout the entire pregnancy, I'm really hoping I don't have it the entire pregnancy with this one. I just feel so emotional and guilty because my body feels so weak I don't have the same energy as I use too to be able to play with my kids and be as attentive to them as I use to, my husband helps me so much and I'm so grateful but I just feel bad because he's at work all day and then comes home and helps me with the house and kids and takes care of me. I'm just venting and my thoughts are kinda everywhere, I just wish I can keep some food down to help with an energy boost, I get all these cravings but I know if I eat anything I'll get sick. I know at the end it will all be with it, it always is I just wish little baby will give me a break and let me eat something.