I'm sick to my stomach

This happened 5 years ago and I'm just finding out the truth about it now. I found some messages on my son's laptop from a completely different Facebook from his using a different name with an anime character asking girls for nudes and asking if they wanted to see his. He was 15 then and I absolutely lost my fucking shit. He was saying he didn't do it and I said to not lie to me. We fought for hours and he was crying. I sent his dad to talk to him and after an hour he came out and admitted to it but he was mad about it. I forced him to apologize to those girls at his school and admit it was him and took all his electronics away. He didn't see any electronics for over a year. My husband that same year also fell out with his best friend and his ex best friend's wife sent me text messages she found between them from that time saying that I had found the text messages between him and underage girls and he forgot to log out. He convinced our son to take the heat by explaining he would get in way less trouble because he's a minor whereas my husband would have ended up in jail. I felt sick to my stomach. I was crying when I confronted my husband and he was crying saying he has never done it again. I asked how could he do this to me? He wasn't attracted to them. He just wanted attention because I left him feeling unattractive. I feel so fucking sick. I just can't. I'm sick to my stomach and I'm hurting