Can this be used as evidence?

My ex husband and I still live together due to rent prices and lack of income. We’re in the process of divorce. He went out with friends drinking and came home crying and talking about suicide. He can’t even take care of himself. I should have committed him but we have no health insurance and I didn’t wanna be in medical debt too with the ambulance ride and the hospital stay. Horrible choice I know. We have a lot of debt at the moment. I have him on recording because it’s been an ongoing battle with me trying to get him to give me custody of our kids, I’m in therapy and I’m mentally stable more so than him. He refuses to get therapy. He turns to alcohol and other means. I know how shitty of me to be opportunistic when he’s throwing up drunk and asking me to end his life. But I have to protect myself and my kids and they absolutely don’t need to see their dad in that way ever. I can’t trust him enough to let him have 50/50 which is what he’s fighting for. Even though he cannot physically take care of the kids. Never has since they’ve been born. Can I use the recordings as proof to at least get temporary full custody until he straightens himself out? I worry he may have done this when the kids would be at his house later on down the road. They’re 5 and 3. This is too traumatic for them to witness.