Toddler tantrum


My 4 year old tantrum is so bad lately especially when she don’t get what she wants. I don’t know what to do or handle her.

Some days she’s fine, but when she don’t get what she wants, her frustration is out of the place. She’ll scream, yell, run to a different room & slams the door shut locking herself in, throw things in the room, and would even slap us.

I tried talking in a calm way, leaving her alone not giving in, apologizing, distracting her with toys she plays with, rewarding her, etc. non is working, she’ll just keep that attitude throughout the day. Yelling at us to not look/talk to her. And that we must get away from her. Which we do. I’m out of solutions, pls help. I tried talking to her doctor and they said it’s normal and she’ll grow out of it. But idk, she’s very expressive with her feelings and if we don’t get it right she just go crazy 😭💔 does she need therapy