Need opinion on something

Okay so my parents have a house that's large multiple bedrooms they are never home so I mostly take care of the house for them I cook, clean etc.

So a distant relative on moms side non relative of my father has decided to visit and they asked to move in they said they have room so why not? So since she arrived she has not liked me gives me glares and I found she has been burning candles for my death. She starts wearing a mini skirt and perfume and makeup to hang around the house and transparent tight leggings and I have suspicion she's after my dad. It's my mom's sister so they are like best friends and she puts things in my mom's ear she's like your adult daughter shouldn't live with you why don't you tell her to leave. She says things like she can't cook in the kitchen because I'm there when in reality the woman is in there for hours I have to wait to cook myself something to eat and cook meals for the family she does it on purpose so I won't eat and if I'm in the kitchen she pops in every ten minutes if she was here for hours why she's coming in and out of the kitchen constantly. My mom the other day it was weird my father had a bunch of cologne on him, and the door to get in the house was locked up different lock she doesn't have the key to get in and she just said it was odd. So I'm wondering how do we deal with the woman I've analyze her I think she is a Narcissist and dangerous I'm saving up to move out because I'm not dealing with this but I think that woman is destroying our family how can I protect us.