Do children deserve gifts under the tree if

My son is 4 he is a little mouthy and doesn’t listen.

Everyone around me thinks my son is BAD

My son is not BAD he has ADHD

some people think every brown child is diagnosed with ADHD and that’s neither here or there.

Some people think ADHD is just an excuse people use some kids can continue to be “BAD”

I feel like every child deserves a Christmas big or small.

Can u really expect a 4 year old to have good behavior all year

How can you punish a child for something they can’t control

Well I bought my son gifts for Christmas and my spouse feels like because he’s disrespectful he doesn’t deserve anything. I told my spouse not getting him anything won’t change his behavior. He just be a child with behavioral problems whom happens to not have anything.

Now if he has something he loves and you take it away for a week or so or made the child earn it now that’s different

So my 4 year old has yet to open his Christmas gift because he is disrespectful