Go to ER or Wait for a pcp app?

I've been having heart palpitations on and off for the last 4 days now. I get a little short of breathe when they happen but no pain so far.

It's really hard to get into a pcp right now. I'm on a waiting list to be scheduled at one drs office, they estimate that I'll be scheduled for July. Everywhere else I've called either isn't accepting new patients or their wait time is a longer estimate.

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Posted at
I second the urgent care recommendation


Posted at
Do you have urgent cares? This isn’t really an ER visit unless you think you’re having a heart attack. I have heart palpitations when I get really stressed/overwhelmed. I worked with my therapist on how to calm myself down. But heart palpitations can mean a number of things that shouldn’t wait until July. Maybe an urgent care can then refer you out to specialists/ekg/cardiac etc


Posted at
Urgent care. I’d also get a new pcp that’s way too long.


L.A • Jan 6, 2023
That really sucks I’m sorry to hear. A lot of people are still going to hospitals and drs for a cough or something and asking if it’s Covid. Taking up appointments when you could get a test at cvs or something 😫😫


Jess • Jan 6, 2023
Yeah. I think due to insurance they can only do so many regular physicals/check ups per day.


Jess • Jan 6, 2023
Yes I have called around the Dr's that take my insurance and that's the best I can get. Unfortunately since I do contract work I can't guarantee I'll be working in 6 months time and be able to afford it so I haven't seen a Dr in a few years


Posted at
Urgent care


Posted at
Urgent care


Posted at
Agree with the urgent care recommendations. However I am also dealing with this, I get dropped beats and low pulse and I was legit just seen 3 days ago and have an echo/heart monitoring visit next week. If you begin to have chest pain, difficulty breathing (the breathe catching after is fine but prolonged difficulty breathing is not), your palpations last more than 2 hours without stopping or become worse, or you begin to feel confused, please go to the ER. I'm obviously not a dr but this is what was recommended to me and i was actually scolded for not going in when mine lasted for 3hrs and I developed confusion so it is important to be seen asap if you develop any of those symptoms along with the palpitations.