Induction birth story!

Haley • Wifey💍Mommy💖

Hey everyone, I completely forgot to come on here and share with everyone my 2nd induction birth story!

So I’m 23 years old and my first daughter is almost 3! I just had our 2nd daughter almost 7 weeks ago.

My first daughter I was induced on a Monday the day before my due date at 8pm had her the next day at 1:45pm on my actual due date.

My second I went in at 40weeks and 3 days on a Tuesday to be induced. It was 6am when I got there. They checked my dilation and I was 3cm already when I went in. They started inducing me using pitocin and upping my pitocin level every 15 mins by 2. By 11:30 I was in so much pain i felt like it was too soon to get epidural and that I probably had a long time to go before it was time so I tried to hold off. The nurse came in telling me it was really a good time to being that my contractions were strong and they’d get even stronger and by then I’d be in too much pain to sit through the epidural. I finally decided to have them check my dilation again to see how far I was. 5cm. Then next thing they are coming in and had me lay on my side curled over. He freaked me out some because he said my spinal cavity was tight and it made me squeamish lol

After that the pain got better but on my left side I was still in such bad pain. They rolled me on that side and gave me a button to push to give me extra epidural on that side which helped. Next thing you know I’m having the urge to push. I asked the nurse if it was normal she was just like it’s normal but doubt it’s time yet. I told her again it’s a strong urge. She told me she would check my dilation but it was possible I would be A 10 but not low enough and if I started pushing I could be pushing for a long time. Well she checked me and I was 100% complete and a 10. All the nurses came in and the doctor. I started to push and in 11 mins my baby girl Mila was born at 1:12pm. 1st degree tear that didnt need stitching but she still gave one stitch to reduce irritation. Never was really in pain while healing. I’m so blessed and thankful for such a quick smooth delivery.