Moms who smoked 🍃 after breastfeeding

I was a pretty heavy 🍃 smoker before I got pregnant and stopped whenever I found out. I breastfed my baby for the first month and it was really hard for me (I was barely producing enough to feed her) so I ended up switching her to formula. She has been exclusively formula fed for 3 weeks now and I have been smoking meanwhile. But I’m starting to feel guilty and like I’m choosing 🍃 over my kid. And I should have tried to increase my supply before switching.

(I wouldn’t keep smoking if I breastfed her, not that I’m against moms who do it’s just my personal preference ❤️)

My question is, has anyone breastfed after smoking or continued to smoke during breastfeeding? Did it have any effects on your child?

(Also bonus points if anyone knows how long it takes to not be in your breastmilk after stopping)