Struggling PPD

Hi, I came here because I have no one else to talk to until I go to counseling next week. So I have 3 under 3 with the youngest being 3 weeks old. My spouse has a dog that he has had before getting into this relationship. So we stay in a 2 bedroom apartment very tight now . Before my induction he gave her to his friend for a while until we were ready to have her back and the agreement was she comes back when we move into a new home . So his friend dog and his dog were fighting and she got bit pretty bad she currently has a deep open wound that he says is healing. He never took her to the vet because he can’t afford to , he doesn’t work at all and for some reason no job ever hires him which is confusing but anyways I told him that she couldn’t be here especially with my two active kids . I’m scared they will dig in her wound and she bites them. So he keeps her tied to the kitchen door and I’m against that as well because now the kitchen smells from the bloody pillows she has been sleeping on since coming back. He doesn’t have the money to feed her so he just feeds her our food out the kitchen. I told him she can’t stay here right now. I’m under so much stress, I pay all the bills and I don’t have any money . My family has been giving me money for the past few weeks and buying the babies stuff. He told ppl I hate the dog and stuff , and his friend asked why is he still with me. I literally do everything around here, I feel stressed out, I cry throughout the day, I am seeking counseling before I harm myself because all of this overbearing. He says I’m being a baby and have problems because I hate his dog and that pisses me off being that I am the one who usually has to buy her everything.! I’m tired of this and I don’t have any help. I have less than a $1 to my name right now and all he does is just apply to jobs and never follow up . I’m tired … idk what to do… I told him he was selfish for keeping a dog he can’t even afford to feed… idk maybe I am the bad person