My April baby is a February baby

Alexis • Mommy of 4 💜💙💖💚.

I was due 4/19/2023. On 2/16/23 I was having a disagreement with a family member when I felt a pop and gush of fluid. This is my 4th baby so I instantly knew my water broke. I take my 14 month old home, go to the bathroom and sure enough it’s fluid that won’t stop coming out of me. So I drive myself to my OBGYN ER where they admit me. I was having contractions in the ER that stopped when they got me on labor and delivery so I was moved to a high risk OB floor. They put me on a magnesium drip, a antibiotic drip, pill & fluids of course. Well after 24 hours they stopped the magnesium drip and I was able to bathe and eat. I took a shower to shave my legs because this whole thing was so unexpected I had literal man legs. When I got out the shower I started having back pain. I told my nurse but because nothing was showing up on the contraction monitor she just let me be. Well after I kid you not 20 minutes I’m in full blown labor and my contractions are 3 minutes apart. They still aren’t able to find anything on the monitor but I’m telling them like I know what’s going on I’ve done this before. They finally check me and sure enough I was 7 cm dilated. So they rush me to the labor and delivery floor where the people are trying to give me an epidural. As I’m talking to the people about my epidural I get “the pressure” and I literally yell out “it’s time to push”. So they checked me and sure enough I was 10 cm dilated and it’s time to push. They told me to wait because the doctor wasn’t in the room and was 6 minutes up the road but my body INSTINCTUALLY pushed my baby out in 1 go because he was so small. I gave birth at 1:28 (my labor started at 12:34) to a 3 pound 11 ounce little man who is currently in NICU because he’s 9 weeks early 🥺. He didn’t need any assisted air when he was born and came out kicking & screaming. They were so impressed by my little man. So while that was alot to read here is my little Maverik 🫶🏻💙