I’m a jerk but it has to be said…

I understand wanting to name your babies unique things to be different and not everyone will like the names, but a LOT of these names I see on here are just CRUEL! If you want to be that out there with a name, then change YOUR OWN name or get a pet and name it that!! Think about your child’s future!! I honestly think when people name their kids stupid and unusual things, its incredibly selfish and a form of child abuse! I BEG you all who are thinking about using bizarre names…

Things to consider when naming your child:

1. Will they hate it when they’re older?

2. Will they most likely be teased?

3. Will people struggle to pronounce and/or spell it?

4. Will it remind people of other objects/things and take away from the focus on their personality?

5. Why you’re choosing these names? To be different and for shock value-or because it feels right and suitable for a little child who will be an adult someday?

6. Is this a name you will regret choosing in a few years?

*If I can save just ONE baby from having a stupid name 🙏 then my work is done!👌