Honestly does this sound strange ?

I was at home today and a maintenance knocked on the door loudly with no without notice. I said I’m busy and they kept knocking and wouldn’t go way. I went to the door and said how can I help you . They said they need to check out an water leak that is coming from my apartment now. I said can you come back later and they said I’ll let my manager know. 4 minutes later the property manager called and said their is an active water leak going on so they have to enter now. I let the man in and he said I’ll only take 15 minutes. They took 1 hour and 30 minutes. Their was no presence of a water leak in my bathroom so I was confused and asked how is there an active water leak happening. Then the story changed he said the apartment below me said it’s been happening for a week when ever I flush the toilet they see water. They made it sound like water was overflowing and they had to immediately come in on their time. So they lied, which is dangerous. They just popped at my door no notice no call from management. Basically I could have been killed or raped. What do you think ?