22 years old and heart pain


I’m 22 years old.

My mom is known for having anxiety and panic attacks etc…. She just lost her mom and we have had a lot going on and she’s beeen having a lot of heart attack scares but I think it’s anxiety.

Well tonight I’m laying in bed and left side of my head had a twinge and then my left side of my heart was in a little pain. Nothing like jeans to chest. Can’t take it.

I can breathe fine

My heart is racing but nothing abnormal

Shaky, felt nauseous for a second but was fine.

My shoulders just feel heavy.

I’m freaking out….am I having a bad panic attack and feeding off my mom??🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m young, I’m healthy, I ride horses everyday, what the hell…. Someone help me calm down.