Opinions - two kids and no libido

I have an 18 month old and 3 year old and since my second was born my libido has literally disappeared. I think my husband and I have had sex maybe like 5 times in the last 18 months 🫣 I blame the usual culprits.. exhaustion, over stimulated, sick constantly from daycare viruses, stress from working full time and trying to be a mom and cook, clean and have a billion appointments. My husband tried to talk to me tonight about it because he feels depressed over the whole thing and I understand his point but I'm not sure what I can do. Sometimes I might feel something but after waking up at 5am and literally not stopping all day to when the kids are finally in bed I am destroyed. How do other moms do this!? My husband said he googled our situation and that it's not normal at all 😭 I just feel even worse now.