Ovarian cyst symptoms

I’ll give you little background first of all.

I had my second baby in September 2021 and went back on contraception soon after (Nexplanon implant) I was breastfeeding so never really had a period. I stopped breastfeeding in January this year and my periods returned in April this year. I have had the implant before my pregnancies and never really got periods or had side affects so this felt a bit different.

My periods are coming every month, maybe not at the same time but around 4-6 weeks after the last period. They have been very heavy and painful and I have had abnormal bleeding after intercourse and just general spotting. I saw my doctor who checked my cervix and saw nothing unhealthy but referred me for an ultrasound and they discovered a 3.5cm cyst on my right ovary.

Since finding out about this I have decided to come off contraception and just let my body do what it naturally should do.

Since my periods have returned I have had strange vaginal discharge. This may be TMI so if you don’t want to know then stop reading now…

The best way to explain it is like the egg white mucus you get during ovulation but I get it very often and it is clear ish and jelly like but it is a lot. Sometimes when I go to wipe the discharge is hanging out and there is large amount and it is quite disgusting but I have never had egg white mucus like this before. Do you think this could be related to the cyst? It does not smell. It is sometimes blood streaked.

Sorry for TMI. Thanks for any advice :)