Biblical names?


Hello readers! I’m going to start by saying I don’t care what religion you are/were/ are considering. You do you boo. With that being said at one point in my life I was deeply religious like church 6 days a week know my bible pretty well and so on. Due to religious trama I am more spiritual than religious. (There’s something out there but no longer think it’s God in the Christian sense)

Im 13 weeks today and we don’t know what we are having yet but hubs and I are brainstorming names. I heard a girls name that was so pretty and wanted to see different spellings and the meaning. I found that it’s a pretty big name in the Mormon faith and immediately was a bit deflated. Im not saying no to a name just because it comes from a religion that I don’t follow but I can’t be the only parent that’s been through this. And parents who did go with a biblical/religious name that aren’t religious what was your thought process?