Anxiety over formula vs breastfeeding

I know I sound irrational and crazy. I’m due soon with baby #3. I breastfed my first child for 6 months and my second for 14 months. My second child was so clingy to me and wouldn’t take a bottle at all and it really makes me scared to breastfeed again. I don’t like breastfeeding in public and my oldest is super busy with sports and stuff so I’ll be out constantly. I honestly would just prefer to give this baby formula but I am scared. I’m scared he will die of SIDS or get sick because he’s not getting breastmilk. Like I said I know it’s ridiculously irrational but I just can’t kick this fear. What do I do? Can anyone who formula fed from day 1 tell me a bit about how it went and if your baby was sick often?