Need advice


My son’s birthday was this past weekend. Well his party, we always mash his bday in with thanksgiving with my boyfriend’s family. And then usually see my family the weekend before or after. This year we all planned for the weekend after and the party would be at my mom’s house Saturday night. Tuesday night my older sister called me and said something was up with mom. Our mom works with my sister’s wife and wife had stated that mom hasn’t shown up for work in a couple days. My older sister moved an hour west from mom when she left home at 18, I moved an hour north from mom when I moved out at 19. So the plan was for grandma who was still in the area to go over there and check on her in the morning. We do have a little sister who is 21 now but still lives at home. Yet when we text her she says everything is fine and the party should continue on Saturday. But like where is mom?! So grandma goes over there Wednesday morning. And really no surprise at this point but mom has relapsed (alcohol) so now everyone’s phone are blowing up, everyone’s crying, moms going to detox cuz she refuses to go to rehab, ect ect. My older sister has a very strained relationship with our mom, I love my mom but I do also like living an hour away. So now we’re both looking at our little sister like you were really going to let us have the party here with mom like that, like you were really gonna do that to my son?! Thursday I had to cook for about 20 ppl cuz I cook thanksgiving every year and through my sons bday party on top of it. Friday roles around and my older sister texts me trying to see if I’ll can still come out so her and grandma can see my son for his bday. At this point we weren’t sure if my mom had gone to detox or rehab and when she was getting out so no one called little sister to include her in the plans cuz we didn’t want them leaked to mom. Saturday morning comes around and I texted little sister after I got confirmation that mom was at a detox and wouldn’t be out till Monday that the party had been moved to grandmas we were ordering food from a family favorite restaurant you know what can we order for her and is 5 still a good time for her to be there. She texts back that she’s extremely hurt that I haven’t called her all week (valid) and how she doesn’t consider us family, how older sister and I just left her with mom ect ect. I tell her that I’m also hurt that she’d risk my sons safety like that, and that she wouldn’t call me when mom started drinking again so I could have drove down there and got things sorted out sooner. I don’t feel anything mean was said. But at the end of the day she didn’t show for the party. So now little sister and mom have both bailed on my son. This is where I need advice. My mom is my son’s favorite human being on this planet. We literally had a countdown on the fridge not for his party but for how many days left until he could see my mom. In all the fighting and back and forth my little sister let it slip that this isn’t the first time my mom has relapsed since my son’s been born. My mom has been telling my older sister she’s 7 years sober. She’s been telling me she’s 5 years sober. My son has gone and spent weekends and weeks at my mom’s house since he’s been born some as little 3 months old. I have no proof my mom was drinking during any of these visits but still these visits happened because I was under the impression she has been sober. I pretty much told my little sister her nor my mom will be seeing my son for a very long time.

Problem is again these are my son’s favorite people. He speaks to my mom almost every night on the phone. Like how do I explain to him that he can’t see or talk to my mom right now?!

Idk how to navigate this with him. He’s too little to get but yet he’s old enough to notice the difference. I currently blocked my mom and littles sister’s number on his phone, since our phones are synced it also blocked them on mine. But I just don’t know what to say to him. Thank you all in advance for any advice. I could really use it right now.