Potty training tomorrow


We are going to start potty training my 3 year old

We are staying home for the next few days. I’ve been talking to her about it. Our plan was to keep her in no clothes from the waist down so she realizes when she’s going. Set a timer every 20-30 mins to take her on the potty. She loves sitting on the potty to read books, but the problem is, she for some reason thinks she isn’t supposed to go in the potty - she thinks she should only go in her diaper. And her potty chair she uses is an attachment over our toilet. She goes into the bathroom with me all the time when I have to go. She knows the process for me and she likes joining in on that lol.

I know she has bladder control, I’ve seen her stop herself once she starts going and she says “uh oh”. I’ve taken her to the bathroom right after and we stay there for 45 mins and she wouldn’t go (she had fun sitting on there reading books tho and I even gave her a tablet for a bit trying to distract herself so she goes.) I try explaining it to her that it’s good to go potty in the toilet, that’s where mommy and daddy go, but she ignores me when I say that. I don’t push too hard either, just reminded her a couple times while we were there 45 min

But she held it in the whole time, she’d get a little wiggy sometimes but she was done at that point and I didn’t want to push her, I want to keep it a fun thing!

But we want to officially start potty training now. I am planning on only diapers for bedtime. I got her some cute underwear for daytime. But I was planning on no underwear even during this initial learning process, that way she really realizes what she’s doing

My husband and I both think once she realizes it’s good to go in the toilet, she will do fine. It’s just the process of her learning she should go in there now!

Any advice is helpful!