Divorce my husband of 2years

Long story short i was 18 he was 24…now we’re 26 and 32 married with 2kids… 19month old n 1month old. When I met him, he didn’t have a car or his own place but he had a job at a wing spot and he was very nice and I enjoyed being around him fast forward 24 years in our relationship. I decided to break up with him and get my own place. We ended up having a conversation he moved in. It was rough at first for him to be consistent and pay bills. I ended up getting pregnant we got married we moved to another place. Yes he cooks. Yes he cleans. And yes he does his job as a parent but he has no money and that’s where I went wrong. He hast to build himself up and now I’m just over it and I’m scared to start over who’s going to want me with two kids. No he doesn’t stay out late at night. No I don’t have to blow his phone up. He does nice gestures here and there like I said a very active parent but he just doesn’t have any money and I honestly don’t see his potential rising. Yes he has a job he works at Longhorn but what is that check really doing he gives me his whole check, but what am I supposed to do with that is not enough and I just wished I would’ve took my time and learn more about myself about what I really needed and now I’m almost in my 30s and I just feel like shit. What do I do? I want to leave him and just start over any advice anyone been through this how has your success story came out with divorcing her husband with kids to your new love story. He lied so much to keep me. He lied about his finances. It’s just too much now. We’re currently two months behind on rent. My car is fucked up. He doesn’t have one. It got repoed two years ago. It’s just too much shit and I’m just embarrassed to go back home. I’m embarrassed to leave my marriage. I’m just tired. I really should’ve listened to everybody. In my next life I’m going to go for money, not niceness. He’s riding his wrong but it’s just too late. The damage is already done like my prime is pretty much over now I have two kids and I’m about to be 27