Anyone know how to help 4 month old bridge his sleep cycles together?

Our 4 month old just started sleeping in the crib (before this he was on us 90% of the time with contact naps because we didn't feel comfortable docking him in a swing or doc a tot.)

We're super happy that he at least naps in the crib now but we noticed after 30-1hr he'll wake up, and we'll pick him up almost every hour from 8pm to 7am 😭. After we calm him down for a few minutes he'll sleep another small stretch in the crib.

Many of my mom friends swear by CIO but it was my last resort only because I feel bad but nothing against it! It's been 4 months of intense contact naps and hourly wakings...but I feel like we're almost there. Any suggestions on bridging the sleep cycles together? 🫠