Toddler sleeping super late at night I need urgent advice?! :/

Aylin Elisa

Hi everyone. I am very very sick and tired of my 16 month old daughter sleeping very late at night. She has broken a record this month by sleeping at 1.30!! It varies but she sleeps at anywhere from 12-1pm.

This started more than a month ago. No changes whatsoever. Prior to that she would sleep around 9-10, she would just drop to sleep. Now whenever I take her to our bed and give her a bottle she refuses to sleep! She gets up and does other annoying things I get tired and give in, I take her to the living room sometimes so she could play with her toys and hopefully get tired and want to sleep. But she doesn’t. She wakes up around 9-10 am, sometimes 11. She takes one or two naps in the day. Before this sleep regression she would be waking up around 8.30-9am.

This is impacting my relationship with my husband it has placed a huge strain because we do not have any alone time. As well as having its mental toll on me. I need a solution to this issue quickly. Please send over your suggestions quickly for me 😣😣

Shall I wake her up early every morning (8 am) and see how that goes? I am worried she is not getting enough sleep because experts say at her age she needs at least 11 hours of sleep. I am honesty frustrated to the brim and worried as hell… I can no longer cope with this. 😰😰