Should I call CPS?

I feel stupid even typing this but something keeps telling me no and telling me yes.

So my husbands brother is 22 and has a 2 year old son. They live with my husbands parents.

Well, my husband and his siblings grew up horribly. His dad would never work and never would allow his mom to work (very controlling) so they often had lights shut off, no heat, cars repossessed, etc. they also barely had money for food and would eat bread crusts and potato skins out of the trash.

Well we’re no longer around them (we’ve been no contact for awhile except for his mom occasionally) but their house is disgusting. My father in law gets angry and punches holes in the walls so there is tons of holes and exposed beams with nails and wiring everywhere. Their roof leaked causing damage to one wall (it was literally peeling off) so they tore it down and that is also exposed with wiring.

There is no flooring it’s just the exposed wood that you place floor on top of (idk what it’s called).

Father in law, mother in law, and brother in law all don’t work. They do side jobs here and there to skim by but they have no plans to repair the house (been like that for years since my husband was a child). So the 2 year old is constantly exposed to all of this. Several months ago before we went no contact, they had so little money that MIL told us they were spreading out a box of pancake mix because that’s all they had left so everyday they’d eat one pancake and that’s it.

And FIL is extremely abusive to MIL. (Physically and mentally) in front of our nephew. I’ve seen it first hand before we went no contact.

As far as I know, his mom is a way more adequate caregiver. And they were never really dating so I don’t think she knows the extent of what goes on in that house.

I mentioned calling CPS to my husband and he said I’m being a snitch and me taking our nephew away from brother in law would kill him. But he doesn’t even work or try to better their lives. He goes hungry sometimes when there and I’ve seen him walking around in a tied towel as a diaper because they couldn’t afford them.

I told my husband do you want him to grow up how you did? Because that’s exactly what’s happening. And he said no but he doesn’t want us to be the one to get brother in law in trouble and take his son away.

But it breaks my heart that little boy lives like that. He’s there 7 days straight. We went no contact because father in law is a monster and so abusive. I just feel so bad, he’s such a sweet boy.

I know I should call, but don’t want to betray my husbands trust. I’m so torn. Please give me a reality check or something.